Greetings dear ones! 🌹🌹🌹
On this day of total eclipse I encourage you to bring forth the best visions for a bright future for each of us and for Gaia and all beings who populate it.
The eclipse has always been associated with death and rebirth, which is even more true today, since this eclipse will be in Aries, the last sign of the zodiac.
I'm proposing to all, who wish to give a boost to the creation of the Goddess Temples around the world that we do together the Goddess Temples Activation by connecting to each other through Goddess Vortex Meditation and send energy of support to the activation of the Goddess Line and to all temples ancient, present and futures as New Atlantis is born. Visualize many new Goddess Temples being opened on the surface of the planet.
We can do it any time after the eclipse meditation for the USA, but still during the eclipse.
Beautiful eclipse to all!
Thank you so much La Voix de la Rose for the input 🌹
Goddess Blessings!