Greetings everyone!
Extreme heavy weather recently in Europe with thunderstorms, including tornadoes, severe damaging winds and giant hail across the Alpine region, northern Mediterranean, and central Balkan countries, besides also wildfires in Greece, scared many people, also in my country:
I got in today's meditation gathering a message from Gaia Sophia, our planet Earth, when we connected with her.
She is encouraging us to connect often with her, especially when we are facing this severe weather, to go into the meditation, making the connection to the cosmic Goddess above and her, Gaia Sophia below us, breathing her presence into our heart for a few moments and breathing our heart to her, visualizing roots going from our legs down to her and her energy up through our body, thanking her for her support and nourishment, and then connecting with her elements and asking her for protection; visualizing her embracing us with her soothing, caring energy of peace, calm and protection.