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An open letter to all spiritual leaders ~ Call from the Goddess to Unite in Global Mass Meditation

Updated: Apr 1, 2021

Dear Leader,

We, the Sisterhood of the Rose PN (Planetary Network) request your help and cooperation in an important upcoming global initiative taking place on April 4th / 5th 2020 : a synchronized global mass meditation to support the ASCENSION TIMELINE and END the CORONAVIRUS pandemic.

We invite you to participate, support, and share it with your community.

The Goddess wants us to join our forces, to overcome all separation on this planet, especially in the spiritual, lightworker, lightwarrior and disclosure community, to finally come together and make the final breakthrough of Light on this planet.

This is what the Light forces are expecting from us. In this way we will show our maturity and ability to act as ONE family. This is not some spiritual chatter but a scientifically proven fact of the POWER of unified consciousness field.

We aim to reach 1 million participants. In this case our unified consciousness field will have a huge impact on the Earth's energy grid and we will be able to ensure the most positive ascension timeline in cooperation with the Light forces and bring the ultimate end to the coronavirus.

Please consider this and join us! Only united can we be strong and victorious!

Here is the original post on Cobra's blog for this meditation:

And here is the post on the We Love Mass meditation blog:

Here is the interview with Cobra to help spread the word about this meditation and to bring more clarity about the current planetary situation:

5 different promotional videos have been created for this meditation in almost 40 languages.

Guided audio meditation videos have been created in more then 30 languages:

You can find more detailed information about the videos here:

Here is our Facebook event:

Victory of the Light and Return of the Goddess!

In great Love, respect, and gratitude,

Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network admin team

1 Comment

Peter Reed
Peter Reed
Mar 25, 2020

This is a nice letter.... good idea! I feel it would be more effective if there could be some of these letters addressed to specific spiritual leaders that are known by SOR members... kind of on a more personal level. A few powerful leaders I can think of are Lisa Rene, Kaia Ra, Debra Mills. Such a letter coming from a platform such as the SOS lends a wonderful way to make a connection. Many such leaders as this already have their own group meditations and already know of the power of a collective mindset. Victory to the Goddess. Thank you for this initiative!



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