Disclaimer: these are personal notes, not Cobra’s exact words. Some parts may match well, others not so much.
Notes have been approved by Cobra
The Goddess Spiral Meditation by Isis Astara

Close your eyes and watch your breath. As you breathe in, breathe brilliant white light into your being, as you breathe out, radiate this brilliant white light into your surroundings. …
The layers of implants
We received the first implant when we first entered the quarantine Earth:
- it disconnected us from the Source
- it disconnected us from our inner Light
- it split our personality
- everyone is schizophrenic
This 1st implant caused primary personality split between our own true self, our inner presence, and an artificial self. All believe systems are based on this first split. The matrix exists on the basis of this primary split.
You have to connect with who you are – this is everyone’s primary mission. As you connect with your true self, you begin to collapse the matrix.
The second implant programming, which came immediately after first one, was the split between the man and woman. It manifests itself in different ways. It has created human society the way it exists now. Almost everything you have heard and seen is a lie. It is a prison for the mind, body and soul created by the archons.
We are deconstructing this prison by liberating our minds and hearts. The Archons developed a quite sophisticated program. There are tools for liberating ourselves from the matrix. It is challenging, but rewarding, it is possible to achieve this. As sovereign individuals we will begin to create a liberated society. Everything you see, read and experience is a very tiny part of our reality. For example, there are 250 billion stars in our galaxy, but we are only able to see a very small number of them, a tiny spot of the galaxy.
----- Q & A ------
Question: “How do you know that the fallen angels exist?”
Answer: “One part of the expression of connection with your higher self is knowing. You just “know”. Archons were angelic beings who decided….. and have lost their connection with Source.
A question about different universes.
Answer: This cosmos is experiencing the shift of the cosmic cycle. There used to exist many universes before, but they coalesced into one.
A question about necessary coexistence of Light and darkness.
Answer: Light is unconditional. It does not need to exist together with darkness.
Question: The use of free will.
Answer: You can use your free will to the extent of how much you are connected with your will, but you still have the freedom of choice and you can use your freedom of choice to increase your free will. There is a sphere of availability – a sphere of reality, which you can use for manifestation. There are no limits to this process.
Question: Light & Love.
Answer: Light and Love are two aspects of the same energy which has created this universe.
What we created on the 21st of January this year was the most successful achievement so far. This energy, which is coming now, is the answer to calls of many people. This new cosmic energy will transmute everything. One aspect of this energy is the tachyon energy. Tachyons were the first particles created in this universe. They are not susceptible to the electromagnetic force, to the nuclear force…. They change the quantum structure, the structure of matter on the basic plane and connect it with Source.
Cintamani stones will bring the soul families together around the planet.
Soul Family
The key is to create a new society. Soul Families have the same origins, a similar energy structure. Soul Family members are connected on the soul level. The Soul Family connection is the key for manifesting a harmonic society. In the year of 1997, there were fights, conflicts and dramas within the Resistance Movement. Then the Soul Family resonance was created. They took 4 or 5 years to completely transform their society. Now there are no problems with internal communication and relationships, as they follow the Soul Family guidelines.
The basic understanding of connection is completely distorted on the surface of the planet. The Matrix movie shows that every individual on the surface is the agent of the matrix. People have internalized their enslavement.
It takes a lot of courage and a lot of will to break free from the matrix. You may: be born and stay in the matrix and remain depressed, having an unhappy, empty life... which is in a way comfortable, convenient and safe - or you can break through the matrix. The matrix, the artificial intelligence, will react. Friends, children, even your husband/wife, will try to stop you, because they are still a part of the matrix. Every time you do things outside of the matrix parameters, you contribute to the breakthrough. The sphere of availability becomes larger. Options and possibilities expand each time. You conquer your fears and move forward.
This way we become the breakaway civilization. We create the Bubbles of Heaven, a new reality here and now, the Islands of Light.
Entry protocols of the Resistance Movement
Nobody on the surface is ready. Some of the protocols will be included in this workshop. They will prepare you to meet with those beings. The same applies for the Pleiadians – meeting them means cultural shock for the surface population. People will start freaking out. Reading about those beings is one thing, interacting with them and being integrated into their society is another.
One needs to face certain realities at the Event:
1) To realize how one has been misled, how one has been manipulated (that’s the easiest part)
2) To realize and be presented with different extraterrestrial races: religion, belief systems, etc., shocking dark deeds from the amount of hidden suffering they’ve created
3) To come face to face with one’s sexual energy – that’s the hardest challenge. This is the basis of the matrix, the manipulation of sexual energy.
The process is theoretical, energetical and practical.
The key for stabilizing this process is to start bringing the Soul Families together. Many Cintamani stones were positioned strategically across the energy grid to be stabilized. This has been achieved to the point that Soul Family gatherings can actually happen around the world, so that the Event can happen as smooth as possible and that the grid remains stable at the time of the Event.
The time period from 2012 to 2019 represents the 1st phase of the transition process. There was an intense clearing of the planetary darkness. Many conflicts were created among the planetary Lightworkers. Such conflicts are not possible within a Soul Family, if you are aware of the Soul Family connections.
You move beyond conflicts. Within a Soul Family, everyone is your soul brother and soul sister. You treat them as your soul brothers or soul sisters and not as 3D human beings. The underlying basis is connecting from soul to soul. On the surface, people tend to commit with others on a personal level, labeling people through the mind. We need to learn how to use the mind in a way… The way society has been teaching you is not correct way. Those outer concepts are 80% incorrect, wrong information for the mind to process. This is the source of many conflicts.
You proceed on a soul level and now we are taking a quantum leap, the most advanced part of the population.
Before this planet was occupied, everybody was living in a community as one being. There was no concept of biological family, but rather a tribe, where Soul Family was present on an unconscious level. The dark forces created biological families as a closed system. The 2nd law of thermodynamics says that entropy in a closed system will always increase. The dark forces have used this to control the surface population.
Start connecting in order to interface with people outside your family. It is time to connect consciously with your Soul Family, this is the foundation of society. After the Event there will be transformations within families and changes within existing relationships.
Guidance for those drastic changes: Whatever is true, will remain. Whatever is false, will fall away. Everything based on the illusion will fall apart and everything that is true, will remain.
----- Q & A ------
Question: The Robert Monroe institute. Are you familiar with it?
Answer: Yes.
Question: The Resistance Movement. Wouldn’t it be better to assist rather than resisting?
Answer: Thank God that we have the Resistance resisting from demolishing the planet, preventing the atomic war… – it’s the positive polarity to resist the negativity.
Question: Soul families and reality from the soul level…
Answer: Being able to relate with the traumatized part is not primal… There needs to be a critical mass of self-awareness – this is what we are heading towards. The Soul Families are interlocking amongst themselves, it is a network of Light. It is a universal cosmic network of Light.
Question: Inner Earth society – do you have connection with them?
Answer: Yes.
The connection with the Resistance Movement:
1) The information about Soul Families shared at present
2) The actual operations for the planetary liberation, which is the undisclosed part. It has been discovered that sharing those information is not creating a positive outcome regarding the surface population.
Soul Families – continuation
Soul Families: same origins, members are connected on the soul level.
Soul mates: a stronger connection among Soul Family members, they are deeply connected on the soul level, incarnated in different polarities, there is a strong magnetic attraction between them, which comes from the 6th dimension. There are two basic reactions to this energy:
1) feeling a strong connection, coming together, going through a strong purification process
2) starting to flow away – mirroring their programs
In the first case the strongest possible healing occurs. It influences the planetary situation, it is the most powerful force on the surface of the planet. The dark forces are disturbing, stopping soul mates from meeting each other, even creating car accidents. If a meeting is successful, they can kill one. We are creating a new reality in a war zone. When soul mates meet each other, there is a conscious transformation on the soul level.
In the second case, unhealthy psychological dynamics take place. When you are running away, feeling very uncomfortable, stop - take a look inside and transform yourself (techniques).
On the planetary level, we have the Goddess leyline going through…, Stonehenge, Paris, Long Island. The Syrian pentagram, Versailles and Long Island are the entry points for the Goddess energy to reach the planet, these entry points are controlled by the dark forces. … The dark forces are engineering dramas, pain within soul mate connections, then they send that energy through those leylines in order to start wars in Iraq, Syria. They have been directing this negative energy in the area of Middle East for the past 7000 years.
Atargatis is a mermaid Goddess from Syria, embodying the energy of divine grace.

The reverse of a coin of Demetrius III depicts fish-bodied Atargatis, veiled, holding the egg, flanked by barley stalks.

… The reverse of a coin from Cyrrhestica depicts Atargatis riding a lion, wearing a mural crown, and holding a sceptre.
They are suppressing this entry point by not allowing peace in that part of the world, or else the energy of divine grace would come therein.
The planetary energy grid is a structure, which is surrounding you all the time. The AI control system, the scalar technology, is here to control the kundalini force. Kundalini is a battery, the source of life that generates your light body.
Creating wars is a very simple process. First they suppress the sexual energy and create frustration in the male energy field. ...
Soul mates can create heaven on Earth, a vortex field which is the most powerful force, transforming the energy field of the planet. This is a part of the mysteries of the Goddess.
Twin souls (twin flames)

This connection is deeper, there are two bodies of opposite polarities. As one soul we split in two polarities when descending into to the physical plane, split occurred between 6th and 5th dimension.
Twin souls meet extremely rarely on the surface of the planet. It is a very strong energy, when they met, everything surfaces at once.
The dark forces are promoting twin souls fantasies, a matrix program which they use usually on women (Hollywood) by projecting twin soul expectations, all yearning and aspirations into one single man. This is the basis of marriage.
Twin Soul Meditation
- Visualize your Twin Soul, your ideal mate, sitting in front of you.
- Visualize her/him in all details.
- Connect your base chakra with the base chakra of your Twin Soul with a red energy thread.
- Connect your sacral chakra with the sacral chakra of your Twin Soul with an orange energy thread.
- Connect your solar plexus chakra with the solar plexus chakra of your Twin Soul with a yellow energy thread.
- Connect your heart chakra with the heart chakra of your Twin Soul with a green energy thread.
- Connect your throat chakra with the throat chakra of your Twin Soul with a light blue energy thread.
- Connect your third eye chakra with the third eye chakra of your Twin Soul with an indigo energy thread.
- Connect your crown chakra with the crown chakra of your Twin Soul with a light violet energy thread.
- Breathe in and out and maintain the energy flow.
- Then start breathing on the level of the heart chakra as if you were breathing together, connecting your breath on that level.
- Visualize a triangle with the base at the level of each of your heart chakras and with the top of triangle in the middle of each of you at the level of the soul star chakra, about 30 centimeters above your heads.

Doing this meditation once a week will accelerate your ascension process.
The purpose is putting all your relationships into perspective in a balanced and enlightened way.
----- Q & A ------
Question: Connecting with your twin soul.
Answer: Through the heart or through the one eye (between the pineal and pituitary gland in our head).
Question: Untersberg.
Answer: It is a special interdimensional portal, where the secret space program started in 1919. After the Event there will be some special…
New Relationships
New Relationships are an interconnected hologram, the fabric of Light in the universe. One part of the plan is to manifest this network in the form of Islands of Light, connecting Light bodies and soul consciousness.
The key for New Relationships is creating your light body. The soul enters and activates light body for transcending space and time. The Light permeating all aspects of your being creates a toroidal energy field, a vortex, which is connected to the planetary and cosmic energy grid.
The Light force, the kundalini, has been suppressed by all matrix programs. When you deactivate them, your kundalini rises and you become a catalyst for the evolution, you begin to see everything from the soul perspective. You can perceive (from) a higher purpose and you receive guidance.
One of the basic principles of the… is to be yourself. This means not hiding your true intentions, beliefs and feelings. This means putting down your masks. The key to becoming a part of your soul family, is to be honest. When you start being you, the reality around you arranges. It is about manifesting resonance with who you are. If there are parts of you unexpressed, you will be not able to manifest them. Since 21st of January 2019, we have less opposition to do this.
As we entered the quarantine, the primary split between personality and soul (the split with the Source) - took place. The second split was the split between male and female energy, which occurred in Atlantis with etheric crystals. So we have a different psychological structure in female and male species. Understanding is the only way to bridge this separation. Sexual energy was separated from the heart and the energy flow has been blocked. This blockage is located 3 fingers above the navel.
Program A = heart good, sexuality bad.
Program B = sexuality good, heart bad.
The female program allows her to feel love but it does not allow her to feel sexual energy. Thousands upon thousands of years, even a hundred years ago, women were not allowed to feel this energy. Man was not allowed to cry, even a hundred years ago, he would have serious problems if he cried. There was some progress regarding this situation in the 1960s. The first phase of the feminist movement was positive. A certain degree of financial freedom for women was achieved, that was the first phase of the liberation process. The entire system, the central banking system is based upon the suppressed female sexual energy.
When female energy is suppressed, the male toroidal field becomes unbalanced. He then has two possibilities: either going to war or beginning a financial project. The financial system can exist only when this program is running. The solution for both is that the female and male energies become one. When this happens, certain special energy occurs, a loving sensual energy known by the Pleiadians. The elites cannot create such a meaningful connection. Pedophilia = Love of children. This expression has been misused and became “abuse of children”. It impossible to completely erase sexual energy, and so this is the way for them to solve their sexual energy.
Today and tomorrow (during the workshop) we are psychologically and physically breaking away from the surface population.
----- Q & A ------
Soul trap – if you go to the Light, you avoid that plasma technology, the AI intelligence. To bypass that you need to be connected with your soul.
Guilt – is a program. One aspect of that is to listen to your inner voice when you did not do something right.
Cobra has a certain way of physical contact with the Resistance Movement.
This program has been created in Atlantis and has been passed on from generation to generation. For women, the implant allows them to feel the sexual energy with their twin flames, but not with soul mates and soul family members, thus women tend to search for a perfect male. This is the program of Hollywood movies “How to catch a man”. The male program is a reversed program. The male is allowed to have all kind of connections, but not with his twin soul. This is a very deep unconscious program.
This main program ‘You are allowed to be in a sexual connection with one person only’ is running for the past 25.000 years. A committed connection is a conscious choice of having that connection only, not preventing things. 10% of couples have reached that level.
The whole matrix system is using this. It was imported from the Orion system and spread during the last 5000 years to control human DNA, the controlling system from one generation to the next – the father lineage. By controlling your partner you are maintaining the matrix system structure, putting a fence around your partner. Freeing this, all connection will be based on the living presence, based on the soul connection.
Kundalini dynamics
The primary life force was programmed on different levels. Pure feminine energy is pure receptivity. Pure masculine energy is pure action. Interaction creates a toroidal field which leads to the Samadhi. When this energy is distorted by those programs, the energy changes.
Pure masculine energy + block:
1st phase: The man is very angry and he thinks he knows everything.
2nd phase: Pleasing.
Pure feminine energy + block:
1st phase: Criticism.
2nd phase: Control.
We thus have a reversal of polarities – this is what the cabal wants to create: pleasing men and controlling women.
The whole matrix structure is based on suppressed sexual energy. The way to solve this is for women to allow themselves to explore, to feel their sexual energy. The Return of the Goddess energy is part of this, the energy begins to change.
“Yellow wests and Goddess Vortex” article: from November 8th – 11th 2018, women from the Resistance Movement exercised some special kundalini activations. This was an action by the Light forces to break through the matrix. The protests will still go on, the grassroots movement was triggered with the power of the kundalini energy.
There is a misconception, a program of the sexual energy, that the sexual energy can be expressed only through sexual intercourse/union. Sexual energy can be expressed through touch, look, it may be physical or not physical. The point is merging sexual energy with love. In the future there will be many kundalini and Samadhi experiences. Those women, who will liberate their sexual energy, will trigger planetary revolution of consciousness. The male suppressed energy is only the consequence of suppressed female sexual energy. It is the highest purpose for those women to get in touch with this energy.
Return of the Goddess
Pure feminine principle is pure receptivity. Pure receptivity is the energy of true unconditional love. To heal our planet, we need to bring this energy to the planet as much as possible. Pure feminine energy is the mirror of the universe, it is the contact dish to create the Event, for we would create the energy lake which is peaceful and ….
It all comes down to the energy dynamics when enough feminine presence is brought to the planet. It is about anchoring groups throughout the planet, reviving ancient mystery schools to preserve and anchor the Goddess mysteries, creating more physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups.
Meditation for connecting with Soul Family Mandala
- Visualize a sphere with a radius of one meter around your body. Fill it with the highest frequency you can imagine, the brilliant white light.
- Visualize the next, second sphere, actually more as an egg, also with a radius of one meter around the inner egg. Fill it with brilliant white liquid light, with a just a little tiny bit lower frequency, yet still very high.
- Visualize third egg with a radius of one meter around the second one and fill it with brilliant white liquid Light, again with a tiny bit lower frequency then the second one, but still very high.
The inner egg is the twin soul energy - 7th dimensional energy.
The middle egg is the soul mate energy - 6th dimensional energy.
The outer egg is the soul family energy - 5th dimensional energy.

Now you are sitting in 3 spheres of very high vibrating liquid light energy, which are a vibrationally different from one another.
- Start visualizing your twin soul in the inner circle.
- Visualize your soul mates in the middle egg.
- Visualize your soul family in the outer egg.