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Help us enhance the US grid of the Light

Original link here:

In 2023 a special project was initiated which has multiple purposes:

🔹 To dissolve anomalies and remnants of the darkness. 🔹 To help bring peace and harmony. 🔹 To anchor the pulse wave of Cosmic Love from the Galactic Central Sun. 🔹To assist in harmonizing, purifying and stabilizing this planet and its inhabitants on a multidimensional level, in order to ensure the most graceful transition possible into The Event and years following that.


About Us

Imbued with a strong sense of purpose, inner calling, and unswerving connection to the Source, we are a group of beautiful souls and warriors from North America. We feel called to embark on a sacred mission and journey to harmonizing, purifying and stabilizing the energetic points, leylines, vortices on the North America and Mexico with the burial of Galactic Cintamanis stones along those above mentioned points and lines.

Galactic Cintamani stones (we will refer to as GC stones for the fidentiality of the Mission) will also be activated along the old Atlantean equator (see picture below) . The purpose of those GC stones will be to dissolve and clear out subquantum anomaly and bring in the energy of the goddess lona.

All this is a part of the New Atlantis project which was initiated by Ascended Master Saint Germain years ago.


We invite you to contribute to our mission - as we initiate on the Blessing Projects in North America covering the range and length of the ancient time Old Atlantean Equator. We are looking for worldwide donations for GC Projects. So embark on the journey with us by contributing to our North American GC Grid Blessing Fundraiser! Your support of $9,000 USD will aid us in acquiring these powerful potent stones, facilitating a profound purification and healing of the Earth on multidimensional levels, ensuring a graceful transition into The Event and beyond.

Money will be collected for the purchase of GC stones, as well as covering accommodations costs and transport costs are integral to our quest. Donation of any amount is greatly appreciated and remembered. Should you have any questions, please contact us here:

By joining us on this extraordinary GC Grid Blessing Project, you also actively facilitate the positive spiritual evolution of collective consciousness and actively give a boost to the planetary network of Light in North America, energetically the shift is already happening.💜🔥 Together, let’s co-create and manifest a harmonious transition into the Age of Aquarius for the betterment of all that is and ever will be.


Star Family, If you have read thus far, we want to thank you!

…in a nutshell:

This mission process requires quite a bit of money spend to enhance the Planetary GC Light Grid. Cost of tachyonized GC stones and travel expenses quickly add up. Therefore we are humbly requesting financial support from anyone in the position to assist, who feels the guidance to do so. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated and will help anchor more Light into our worlds. 🤍🌈

All sentient beings involved in the Earth prison situation are very much in need of relief, so make every effort to minimize any potential delays. If you can do something to help, whatever you can, not only Cintamani, make moves and your Higher Self will take care of the rest.

Ways to contribute to the Event:

  • Self healing

  • Participate in mass meditation

  • Share truth

  • Join Sisterhood of the Rose/anchor Goddess energy

  • Create a Goddess temple

  • Gridwork (Cintamani, GC, Morganite, Aquamarine etc)

  • Tachyon chamber/Healing center

  • Discover your talents

Thanks to everybody who has helped this project since 2015. And big thanks to everybody who is interested in extending your hand of generosity and grace to help us in North America to reach the aim. Let's keep increasing our momentum until the final breakthrough!!!

Victory of the Light ✨

Please go to the original link here if you would like to support the Fundraise:

Besides this one we have also two other fundraising campaigns for strenghtening the Light grid in India and Europe:

Strengthening Of The Planetary Light Grid (in India)

Fundraising campaign for enhancing the Light grid in Europe

Thank you all for your contribution and donations!

Goddess Blessings and Victory of the Light!



© 2018-2021 by Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network


© 2018-2024 by Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network

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