Greetings dear ones,
Our Sisterhood of the Rose and Soul Family Reunion in Domonyvölgy last weekend was very successful. House of the Divine Light Foundation hosted participants from Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the USA.
The event was another contribution and service to spread the Light on the planet.
We, as the Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network website admin team, would like to thank all organizers for their great work, resilience and inspiration, give thanks to all presenters and to all the lovely people who attended. All together we managed to create a beautiful reunion, a soul family mandala founded and positioned on principles and qualities of the Goddess. It was a joyful experience of mutual support, trust, creativity, respect, acceptance and surrender.
Furthermore, as a crowning event, we witnessed the anchoring of mighty initiatory energies across the vortex in Domonyvölgy, which marked the beginning of the healing of the fall of Atlantis. The actual ceremony that was performed will be published in a separate blog post, so that all Light workers and Light warriors could benefit of it.
We all wish and look forward to more reunions like it was this one. We hope to see you in the future.
Goddess Blessings and Victory of the Light!

Congrats! It looks so beautiful! I am very happy for your success. Many Blessings!