Greetings everyone!
The House of Divine Light Foundation hosts a Temple of the Goddess ATARGATIS at their property in Hungary.
It is also the organizer of the Sisterhood of the Rose international gathering at the end of this coming week (August 17th-18th 2024):
Here is part of the introduction to the temple from their website:
"Hungary is a huge Goddess vortex. Many civilizations lived here before the Archon invasion. The tribes living here preserved the Goddess energy for the whole of Europe. That is why we need to activate Hungary now." - April 14, 2018 Budapest - Ascension Conference
The cosmic change and the entire Universe are going through a phase transition to the new cosmic cycle. This means that what we are about to experience is not just a Galactic Superwave, but a cosmic shift on a level never before experienced since the creation of the Universe. Therefore, now after more than 1500 years of suppression, the Goddess Temples must be re-established on the surface of the planet.
Public spaces must be established that make the Goddess Energy available to the surface population. These are spaces that are open to the public for at least a few hours a week and bring the Goddess Energy to people in different ways, such as meditation, dance, readings and music. These Temples must be established as soon as possible to support the energetic transformation of the planet.
There are currently such temples on the planet at the following locations:
During the Atlantean era, huge, powerful temples were built along the Equator, which were in direct contact with the Galactic Confederation motherships located directly above them in geostationary orbit. These temples anchored the heavenly Goddess energy on the surface of the planet, while the polar temples anchored the heavenly Divine energy. A sacred lake was always found near the Goddess Temples, where the Goddess Vortex was anchored through a female Angelic being.
Atargatis is a mermaid Goddess from the Sirius star system who landed in an egg-shaped vehicle on the banks of the Euphrates many thousands of years ago.
She was known as Astarte, Atargatis, Aset, Aphrodite. Atargatis was the protector of the community. She was extremely popular in Hellenistic times, when she was already imagined in a fish-like, mermaid-like shape.
Her constant epithets "pure", "savior" and "Virgin", as well as "Mother of God", undoubtedly influenced the story of the Virgin Mary. Its iconography is similar to that of Kübel, the "Great Mother".